Saturday, January 15, 2005

Tsunami of a new year(poetry)

Tsunami of a new year

Vinod cv

Nobody send me a New Year card this time
But, Tsunami came to the shores unasked
It shook the shoreline of life in my islands of existence
Where is the god who divided the seas?
False prophets can’t stop even a wind dear
The un spelled appeals fell on barren altars of no response
Even before the prayers reached, flowers crushed
The help less cries of life filled the woes of hapless sky
The cathedral of silence is washed away in the chilly morning
String less Kites fell on the face of sand bed
The names of street children come nowhere in the lists of dead
On the frozen fingers, the last kiss is scattered in moist
It’s a loving fathers last tribute or its shattered wife’s final prayer
It’s a sister’s parting plea and mother’s mourning lips
Everywhere, Wobbling earth peeled the layers of lovely smiles
Lashing water roared and raided it the roaming urchins
Water ate the dreams of the coast and smiles vanished forever
And widows searched for the eyes of stilled love
Mothers wept and bosoms swelled with pain
The color of pain and the pain of love smeared on the streets of death
The dark dance of death is replayed with revenge
The black sea snakes reared the fangs of poison
The folded hands of man is the image everywhere
The story of tears is the songs of sad losses
Man is a babe before the eyes of MOTHER
Lullabies of love is needed on the lips to feel safe
But the tsunamis of life visited my vain pride again
Reminding the naked view of a helpless infant on a cradle
Weak and defenseless is the feeble voice of a meek man
Timid and tamed, he is before the unknown games of un understood life
Fearful and insecure, a human being is vulnerable
Naked and wretched, he is before the powers beyond
Frail the figure and fragile the mind, he cant do anything
He can cry only, he can just cry only and he can just cry only


Anonymous said...

Dear Vinod,
It is a wonderfull poem, truly depicting the soul of earth.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vinod,
It is a wonderfull poem, truly depicting the soul of earth.