Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Small Steps, Giant Leaps-A brief sketch of medical education in kerala(Medical Education)

Private Medical Colleges

Though the introduction of self-financing medical colleges courted many controversies, the smartest of the lot started showing the ability to excel by rigorously adhering to the fundamentals of medical education.

Vinod C.V

In Kerala, educational sector is always a battleground of ideas and ideologies. There are student leaders who made a career out of the confusions and controversies in the field. Given that such a societal spotlight is there, it was natural then that the introduction of self-financing colleges had a tectonic impact in Kerala’s political and social life. Govt went for the self-financing colleges to stem the outflow of money to outside states, as most of the students in the neighbouring states were from Kerala. Govt. also wanted to diversify and broaden the scope of professional education in Kerala.

The readiness of many managements to contribute to the educational endeavours also helped the govt in its attempts to widen the scope and magnitude of professional education. It is true that many of the actions of govt and managements were confusing and baffling to the common man on account of the inconsistent stands, contradictory nature of court verdicts, and misleading arguments by all involved.

The puzzle of self-financing education including the medical sector is not fully resolved. Even during this period of uncertainty, though not noticed by many, some of the institutions started in the self-financing sector are in the process of becoming centres of extra ordinary excellence. In the near future, many of them will be noted for their research facilities and teaching paradigms.

But at times, their appetite for maintaining standards calls for mobilising resources in an active manner. At times, these attempts are in collision with the long held norms and visions of free education. However, their commitment to enhance value by offering the cutting edge facilities and skill rich methodologies cannot be questioned by any. Running an institution like a medical college is itself, a stupendous task.

Constant and continuous value addition at all levels of learning is very important as far as medical education is concerned. Inputs and resources ranging from financial to intellectual are to be made available to maintain the quality. Latest techniques of diagnosis and state-of-the-art equipments are necessary to raise the awareness level of students.

The medical college hospital is the nerve centre of medical education. The facilities and advanced features available make a qualitative difference with regard to the exposure students get. This starts right from the bed strength of the hospital. The expertise and experience of the faculty in the modern systems and approaches make the learning enriching and inspiring.

The atmosphere for studies is very crucial. Unlike many other courses, medical education, from a student point of view, needs a sustained perseverance and unfailing ability to slog. Any slackness in any of these counts affects the over all performance. That is why highly structured monitoring is required to ensure that students are in the right track. It is equally significant to provide all possible helps to facilitate an ambience conducive for studies. Like any institution the strength, experience and teaching skills of faculty are of paramount importance. The wisdom born out of practical experience and exposure is much needed to impart a sense of knowledge to students.

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